The formation of one’s self-concept, which refers to the mental image or internal perception of oneself, is a continuous journey of evolution rather than a process with a definitive conclusion. While early developmental milestones in self-awareness can be pinpointed, shaping how an individual views their own identity is an endless work-in-progress impacted by life’s changing experiences.

Numerous scholarly works and research studies point to self-recognition first emerging in infancy. Developmental psychologists Piaget and Erikson noted through observational experiments that babies begin discerning themselves as unique beings separate from caregivers around 12-18 months of age. Further works by Child found toddlers at this point start comprehending elementary traits like their sex.

As youngsters reach preschool years spanning ages 3-5, literature shows their comprehension of both physical and psychological qualities broadens. Simultaneously, peers and interactions start affecting their nascent self-perceptions. Entering grade school between 6-11 years, a child’s self-image encompasses a more diverse assortment of characteristics like societal roles, behaviors, interests and personality traits in addition to those recognized earlier, as highlighted in research by theorists like Vygotsky and Kohlberg.

Moving to preadolescence and adolescence spanning 12-18 years, identity exploration intensifies sharply as indicated across longitudinal studies. Teenagers question and refine how they view themselves while integrating social expectations and opinions of friends into their evolving self-definitions. Relationship studies have found this period profoundly impacts self-image development.

As per scholarly works, during young adulthood from 19-40 years, individuals experiment with different social identities while gradually solidifying a relatively stable self-concept through life experiences like advanced education, occupations, relationships and parenthood. Later life stages including middle adulthood (41-65 years) and older age (66+ years) likewise occasion reassessments of one’s self-identity according to literature, as roles and circumstances transition.

To summarize the above body of research, while self-awareness originates in infancy, the consensus view is that self-concept maturation is an ongoing, lifelong process of continual refinement in response to new contexts, learnings and transitions each life phase presents. No definitive endpoint for this ever-evolving self-definition exists according to literature in this field. Thus, in both academic and colloquial terms, the formation of one’s identity perspective can be considered an endless work-in-progress rather than a process concluding at a fixed point in time.

How Does Self Concept Develop?

The development of one’s self-concept, which refers to their internal perception or mental representation of who they are, is an ongoing journey that begins in early childhood and continues evolving across the lifespan. Numerous scholarly works provide insights into the gradual formation and refinement of this core aspect of identity.

Research indicates that infants begin discerning themselves as distinct beings separate from others around 12-18 months of age. Landmark developmental studies by Piaget and Erikson found that at this point, babies recognize basic traits like their gender when observing their image in a mirror. As toddlerhood commences between 1-3 years, children expand their understanding of physical attributes to incorporate characteristics such as hair color or facial features according to the seminal works of Child Development theorists.