I used to constantly compare my career and relationships to other people. It really hurt my self-worth. When I went through a hard breakup in my mid-20s, I started spending a lot of time on Instagram looking at friends’ pictures. Instead of dealing with my feelings, I focused on how their lives seemed better than mine. I wondered why my life wasn’t moving forward like theirs.

Research shows this is a big problem. The American Psychological Association found about 66% of adults in the US feel social media makes them feel not good enough. Even worse, studies show mental health has gotten worse for Gen Z (people born in the late 90s/2000s) since 2012 when more people got smartphones. Phones make it too easy to compare our lives to others. Clearly, comparing ourselves to others really hurts self-worth on a large scale.

Shifting Perspectives

Comparing myself wasn’t just on social media. At family parties, I would focus on cousins’ houses or kids without thinking about how our lives were different. Magazines about celebrities made me want their glamorous lives, but didn’t show their real problems. At my job, when coworkers did well, it made me question if I was in the right career.

However, when I looked deeper sometimes I found a different reality. Profiles about celebrities opened up about constant worrying even with fame. Coworkers shared their own insecurities or personal problems I didn’t know about. Realizing that even “role models” deal with not feeling good enough itself helped ease my own feelings. It helped me focus more on my own goals.

How I Rebuilt Self-Esteem

When I stopped looking at life through the distorted lens of comparing, rebuilding my self-esteem involved focusing on small wins instead of others’ big accomplishments. Daily writing in a gratitude journal about things like humor, caring for others, and resilience – not social media likes or salaries – strengthened positive qualities. Figuring out my own values made clear what really mattered to me versus superficial ideas of success.

Connecting with groups not focused on typical measures also helped. For example, communities about financial independence valued experiences more than social standing. Groups promoting minimalism were more about being present than owning things. Just hearing different peoples’ stories made it normal to face uncertainty and celebrate both small wins and big ones. Over time, I took pride and found joy in quality moments I defined, instead of endless scrolling on my phone.

Using What I Learned to Create Positive Change

Talking about how comparison hurts people in complex ways really helped me feel better. Nothing motivates me more now than encouraging others to think critically about social pressures and value different ways of living. Even though comparing ourselves is natural, being aware of how it can distort our thinking helped me define my value beyond just likes or comments. I hope we can all find the unexpected good in life, unconditionally support each other’s paths, and bond more over our shared challenges than just what we portray online. True happiness comes from within ourselves.

Another Remedie Is Also Available : Why Do I Feel Like Everyone Is Better Than Me

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